
why do I smoke?

So I was asked to stay upstair in the library today to work. Pretty what I do upstair is to sit there and look fabulous (lol)... and writing blogs about "smoking", which I WAS pretty much against last year.
Anyway, enough introduction, I'm gonna cut to the chase with the argument:

There are 2 reasons I smoke:
1. Flavor (the vanilla cigarettes taste awesome and the smoke come out smell just like vanilla, and it's not disgusting at all)
2. An excuse to go outside get some fresh air. People will think you're crazy just going outside standing by yourself getting fresh air, right. So smoking makes it a perfect reason. Plus, you get to ask people to go out with you for a little chit-chat catching up on things. So I don't see anything wrong with that.

Some people might argue that smoking causes cancer. Well, eventhough it's true, I must say I don't plan to live a long life. I don't want to be a burden for my kids and of course I want to live till I'm old enough to still be able to have all my senses function (listening, talking, smelling, seeing, tasting, and so forth).
Anyway, in case you were wondering what the causes for death are. Here is a reference table of causes of death that have been studied and published in 2002.




(1) Diseases of the heart heart attack (mainly) 28.5%
(2) Malignant neoplasms cancer 22.8%
(3) Cerebrovascular disease stroke 6.7%
(4) Chronic lower respiratory disease emphysema, chronic bronchitis 5.1%
(5) Unintentional injuries accidents 4.4%
(6) Diabetes mellitus diabetes 3.0%
(7) Influenza and pneumonia flu & pneumonia 2.7%
(8) Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's senility 2.4%
(9) Nephritis and Nephrosis kidney disease 1.7%
(10) Septicemia systemic infection 1.4%
(11) Intentional self-harm suicide 1.3%
(12) Chronic Liver/Cirrhosis liver disease 1.1%
(13) Essential Hypertension high blood pressure 0.8%
(14) Assault homicide 0.7%
(15) All other causes other 17.4%

So it is likely that you will die because of one of these. Now pick your favorite as I have picked mine. (2)


Chue said...

hahahaha i cant believe it, you even have a table to support your "Why do i smoke?"

the only reason i need to smoke is because i'm bored. it just gives me something to do.

Hang Pham said...

i was just bored too, so i need to come up with some ideas why people smoke. it makes sense though, right? hhee

Chue said...

hahaha. i guess