
graduation... um... so what?

Yeah, graduation, so what?

It didn't really hit me yet I guess. Every one asked me how it feels like to be graduating, and I do the same thing. But strangely enough, I just kinda blanked out most of times, not knowing what to say. Not that I don't have any feeling, but I guess I don't think of this too big as a change for me.

A lot of changes took place last year in my life. I was in Vietnam for the whole summer struggling for jobs. I ended my first relationship. I went study abroad in Japan and lived with a host family. I came back to Vietnam for Xmas break. Then I was back in the States being a college student ago.
... Things keep moving on. Things keep changing. and I... I also changed.

Graduation is just going to be a little bit bigger of a change than other ones that I've faced. I'm very excited to accept it.
I'm happy for a change.

In fact. I am a change.

1 comment:

Cabbage Wabbage said...

I'm glad you accept the change my dear. There are many people out there who are living in denial. The world will keep turning, and U are ur own decisions. Move on, or dwell in the moment...
My suggestion is to move on. =)